Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chapter 2

Today was Ty's  birthday. So I took him outta his crib so we could have his cake & he could open presents.

Nick was SO excited it was Ty's birthday. He was blowing streamers, swinging flags. It was nice to see him this happy.

Ty aged up to look A LOT like his father. He had his hair, his eyebrows, & was excitable like Nick. Ty was also like me in ways like, he had blue eyes, had the artistic trait, & seemed to like listening to me playing the piano.

His first & favorite present he got as a teddy bear:) he named it Mr.Shnugles.

He sat in the corner for hours with it. Sometimes he even pretended it was his own kid and he spanked it like it did something wrong. That made me laugh!

After Mr.Shnugles, he played with his new boat, & lemme tell ya, he liked that 1 too!

After a while of him playing, i picked him up & snuggled him to death!

And when i started tickling him, he was giggling like mad!

After hanging out with me for a while, Ty decided to watch some kidz zone tv.

While he watched TV i talked to Nick about adopting a big sister for him! Nick said yes , so i called social services.

As soon as my new daughter came home, she hugged Ty tight!

She was from Mexico, she was a very pretty girl! Her name was Jasmin, now she was Jasmin Latoso. She hugged me too, but i didn't get a photo of that.

Here is Jasmin's new bedroom i've provided her. She said she loves it! That's all for this chapter, read more soon!